Bhubaneswar: Babushaan and Prakruti Mishra love story once again takes a new twist. The audio tape is circulating on social media, in which the voices of a young woman and a young man can be heard. While it is widely believed that this is the audio of Babusan-Prakruti’s conversation, However Odisha Now could not yet verify the authenticity of the audio tape.
In the tape a male voice says, why are you always angry? The young woman is saying, my body is hurting, I can’t bear it, you can’t understand that. Hearing this, the young man said, “What did I do? I understand everything. It is difficult because you are taking drugs, Don’t cry have some food and take rest. Apart from this, he is heard saying SORRY to the young woman by holding her leg. Also, when the young woman says I LOVE YOU, the young man also says LOVE YOU in return. While it is being discussed that it may be the audio of the conversation between Babushaan and Prakruti from the voices of both of them, no explanation has been given by either of them.