Bhubaneswar, Heavy rain, and floods devastated many parts of the country. Now Meteorological Department has issued an alert of heavy rain for 8 districts of South Odisha namely Koraput, Navrangpur, Rayagada, Gajapati, Kalahandi, Bargad, Jharsuguda, Sundargad etc. The Meteorological Department has issued a yellow warning for these districts. Similarly, the Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of rain with thunderstorms in many parts of Odisha as well.
According to the information received from the Meteorological Department, the amount of rain will increase further in the state on July 22 and 23. The rains will continue in the state till July 24. During this period the state may get up to 70 to 110 mm rainfall. The low-pressure area that has formed at present is weakening around Madhya Pradesh.