Abhilipsa Panda is the singer famous Hara Hara Shambhu
Abhilipsa Panda born on 30 Nov, 2001. She now 21 years old
Abhilipsa Panda lives in small town of Barbil in Odisha
Abhilipsa Panda's father Ashok Panda is Rtd. Army officer
Abhilipsa Panda's mother is a School teacher
Abhilipsa Panda' is a classical singer.
Abhilipsa Panda' got viral on social media for the song Har Har Shambhu Shiva Mahadeva
Jeetu Sharma is Co-singerHar Har Shambhu Shiva Mahadeva
Abhilipsa Pand is Karate Black belt holder, Won Gold Medal winner
Abhilipsa Pand is participated in Odisha Super Singer in 2021