Sradha Panigrahi, a popular Odia actress, is set to make her debut in the Chhattisgarhi film industry. She will play the lead role of Vaidehi in the upcoming movie of the same name, alongside actor Visal. The movie is written by Sagar Panda, known for his work on Kumkum Bhagya, and features other popular actors like Puran Kiri, Puspen Da, and Anjali Yadav.
Sradha shared that the producers were looking for a new face that could do justice to the character of Vaidehi. They saw her music albums produced by Amar Music and approached her for the role. She found the script interesting and accepted the offer. Sradha’s character in Vaidehi is based on Goddess Sita, known for her dedication, self-sacrifice, courage, and purity. Sradha will play a modern version of Sita, sacrificing for her family and ultimately ending her life for their sake.
In addition to her upcoming Chhattisgarhi movie, Sradha’s performance in the short film Sisters has also been well-received by audiences. The film, released on Raksha Bandhan, depicts the strong bond between two sisters, with Sradha’s character protecting her sister from harm. The film ends with a social message that sisters can also play the role of brothers at times.